Home > A Browse Through Qiu’s Life > The Story of Growing Up
Live It Out
Even though Mrs. Qiu referred to herself as nobody, what she had done to save the Raoping Hakka culture is undeniable. Her goals for revival in the short run are as follows. First, She will continue teaching Raoping Hakka to students from five years old to ninety years old in school and community. Second, raise Raoping Hakka’s profile by using the aid of technology devices. Third, form a Raoping Hakka club to promote it. Forth, advance the repair progress of Yongjing Loyal House and establish Raoping Hakka Education Center. Fifth, take down local culture in Raoping Hakka. Sixth, develop Roaping Hakkanese identity, and get them to speak the language.The Junior Corp members admire what Mrs. Qiu has done and look up to her!