Our school is pretty unique. From the fence surrounding the campus to the site layout, landscaping and the paintings on the walls on campus are all closely related to trains. It is a train featured elementary school.

Jing Siou Elementary School is a railway featured train school. There is Jing Siou Railway Cultural Park on campus that incorporates railway features with academic environment. The hardware environment teems with train elements and the provided courses are versatile and vigorous, receiving recognition from many parents. The school have been awarded numerous prizes and were selected as one of the ten most beautiful campuses in Taiwan by Ettoday in 2018; in terms of railway related curriculum, we won National Teaching Excellence Gold Reward by Ministry of Education in 2018. We owe the fruitful outcomes to not only all the teachers and students on campus who made a lot of efforts, and the parents who supported and recognized us, but also many railways related experts off campus that advised and assisted us.

Won National Teaching Excellence Gold Reward by Ministry of Education in 2018

In a report Yuanlin Township Wealth Requiring Legends released by Global Views Monthly in 2019, we witness the entrepreneurship of the Taiwanese in Yuanlin, building businesses such as tires, hosiery, flower and plant, bicycle industries from the ground up, writing down affecting township legends one after another. We got to know that there are multiple potential experts in the region where we live, and because of them, we have got a diversity of industries. I take pride in being a Yuanlin citizen.

Infusing Train Elements in School Activity

We believe that besides the industries reported in magazines, there are more industries and experts in Yuanlin to be discovered. Therefore, we decided to take a deeper look into the features of these industries and the struggling journeys of the related experts. Now follow the footsteps of Experts Expedition to discover them!

Data Compilation: Members of Expert Expedition
Source of Photos:Jing Siou Elementary School
Source of Information:
1. ETtoday TravelCloud Is Your School this Beautiful? 10 Schools with Different Fashions published in 2018/1/1 https://event.gvm.com.tw/201908_Yuanlin/#section01
2. Global Views Monthly Yuanlin Township Wealth Requiring Legends https://event.gvm.com.tw/201908_Yuanlin/#section01
3. Epoch Times by Xie, Wu Nan on 2018/9/25 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/18/9/25/n10739393.htm