Our gratitude goes to everyone that has ever offered assistance. Thank you for helping out. We are thankful to every relatives and friends for their help.

Mr. Chen, Zhao-Qiang’s kind help is much appreciated. Because of him, our field trip ended up nicely and satisfactorily.

We appreciate the assistance given b Mr. Chen, Zhao-Qiang. He provided us with rich information on railway related relics and gave us tours for us to acquire valuable knowledge and gain precious experience so that out project went on smoothly.

We are very grateful to Shetou Township Farmers’ Association for their full support and so we can have rich and colorful research content.

We would also like to express our sincere gratitude toward Shetou Township Farmers’ Association and its Director General – Xiao, Jun-Er, who offered us all kinds of assistance when we were carrying out Fun in Shetou activity. Also, owing to their help, our Shetou trip and a trip to Fu Jing Railway Relics Hall are a big success.

We want to thank the agricultural volunteers of Shetou Township Farmers’ Association for assisted in planning and leading the activity of Fun in Shetou.

We are thankful to the agricultural volunteers of Shetou Township Farmers’ Association for assisted in tour giving in Fu Jing Restaurant and Shetou’s tourist attractions. Because of their help, 80 of us teachers, students and the parents had a great time and saved us a lot of time and energy in contacting and communicating with the people in charge, rendering our activity a great success.

Thank all the teachers and parents in JingSiou Elementary School for their assistance.

Our appreciation goes to Jingsiou Elementary School Principal, Directors, teachers and parents. Because of their help, administrative support at proper time, labor assistance and valuable suggestions offering, our project got to move on smoothly and successfully. Thank you.

Information Organizers: All Members of Felicitous Train Team
Photos Sources: Taken by All Members of Felicitous Train Team