CK101 Steam Train:
CK101 Steam Train was made in 1917. It was out of service in June in 1979 after railway electrification. Yet, it was back to service on June, ninth, 1998, after a seven month repair given by Taipei Depot. It completed the nostalgic railway trip by surrounding Taiwan railway and then made it back and rested in Changhua Roundhouse. It was the first steam train that was successfully got back in service.

CK124 Steam Train:
Similar to CK101 Steam Train, CK124 also successfully got back on its duty and afterwards parked in Changhua Roundhouse.

DT668 Steam Train
CK124 Steam Train

R28 and R40 Diesel-Electric Locomotives
R47 Diesel-Electric Locomotive

Information Organizers: All Members of Felicitous Train Team
Photos Sources: Taken by All Members of Felicitous Train Team
Taiwan Railway Administration
Yuan Magazine Issue 102( published in 2013) November to December