Welcome to Jingsiou Railway Cultural Park

3D Paintings and the Facilities in the Park

There are many beautiful 3D paintings and all sorts of railway related scenes and facilities in Jingsiou Cultural Park. Everyone is welcomed to come take a walk and take beautiful photos of and with the Park.

3D Painting of Taroko Express
3D Painting of Puyuma Express

Wall Painting of Tengyun Express
The Painting of Puyuma Express

Railway Theme Lavatory
QingRen Express Painting in Railway Theme Lavatory

Railway Platform Scene Decoration
Railway Carriages Scene Decoration

Railway Platform Scene Decoration
Railway Milepost Scene Decoration

The Lively Cute Version of the Train Decorating the Fence Outside of the Park
Steam Train Scene Decorating the Fence Outside of the Park

Information Organizers: All Members of Felicitous Train Team
Photos Sources: Taken by All Members of Felicitous Train Team