Manager Xu's
Students DIY
    Instruction in
How to Make
Puppets' Heads Interviewing
the Establisher
Ms. Cai    
Mission Accomplished
Home > Our Learning Progress > DIY Glove Puppetry Puppets in My Puppets > Students DIYDemonstration
Students DIY
    Instruction in
How to Make
Puppets' Heads Interviewing
the Establisher
Ms. Cai    
Mission Accomplished
After Manager Xu's elaborative instruction, we each picked a character that we wanted to make and started the DIY activity. Impediments were unavoidable, but Manager Xu always patiently stood by us to help solve our problem, and we managed to make our own puppets. When we saw the finished products, we were moved, and thus, we decided to perform a Glove Puppetry show in the classes with the puppets we made. The following are the photos of our DIY process and products:
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park
Source: taken in My Puppets Cultural and Creative Park