Home > New Paradise Troupe > New Paradise Glove Puppetry Troupe's Secret Concern

Qing Fa told us that Glove Puppetry can be divided into different stages such as classic repertory (正本戲) dubbed by Peikuan musical instruments and old-style theatre (古冊戲) dubbed by northern drama music (北曲). Yet, with the change of time and the consideration for the cost, the backstage musical performance was canceled and replaced by audio tape. Just like New Paradise Glove Puppetry Troupe, many troupes have cut down Peikuan musical instruments.

Like most traditional art, New Paradise Glove Puppetry Troupe is facing the situation where there are no successors. Qing Fa ruefully told us that all they could do is to consistently perform –with the passion for Glove Puppetry, they will perform until they no longer can, hoping someone will inherit and take over Peikuan Glove Puppetry and keep passing on and enhancing Glove Puppetry.

Source: offered by Qing Fa Wu

Data Compilation: Liang Yi, Chen Yu
Source of Photos: offered by Qing Fa Wu, taken by Jing-Siou Vanguard
Source of Information:
1.from Qing Fa Wu’s narration
2.Taiwan English News (2009/08/29) : http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/1043970
3.The Epoch Times (2013/05/21): http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/5/21/n3875602.htm
4.Chuanghua County Yuanlin History Studio: http://ylcmd.blogspot.tw/2013/11/blog-post_6482.html
5.Cultural Heritage Assets Database: https://nchdb.boch.gov.tw/webno/link/Talentedperson/upt.aspx?&p0=7597&&key=&dateA=&dateB=&con=1&cid=0&fid=0